Thursday, 10 February 2011

R.I.P Claudia

So a few days ago I heard the news that a young lady from London Claudia Aderotimi aged 20 had passed away due to a buttock silicone injection that later trigged a heart attack.

Although I didn't know Claudia, I felt compelled to write a blog with both my compassion and concern for her and so many girls struggling so badly with self image they would go to theses lengths to "perfect" something that is clearly already beautiful.

Student Claudia was convinced that she needed a procedure costing a rumoured £1,200, which seems like a bargain considering she paid with her life.
It is then said she had a heart attack after she suffered from some severe chest pains following the Silicone jab in a hotel room.

She died in hospital on Tuesday just two weeks before her 21st birthday.
US medical experts suspect the cause of her death was silicone being injected into a vein rather than muscle tissue, causing a clot.

I am more than devastated to hear that someone so beautiful as her believed she had any correcting to be done. I don't know where the insecurity for her started but sadly hundreds and thousands of women pay ridiculous amounts of money every day to replicate women they see on TV or women that society deems "attractive".

I want every young woman growing up in society as it is right now to feel comfortable in their own skin. Although it's easier said than done, this can not happen again. Who is to blame? The directors who tell these young girls their not thin enough or their boobs aren't big enough? The editors who by using photo-shop and other masking tools making normal women look without a fault. Or the back street surgeons who perform the life threatening procedures.

I really hope I haven't been insensitive I mean no disrespect to the friends and family of the gorgeous young woman.
My prayers are with them

R.I.P Claudia- sorry your life was taken so horrifically.

1 comment:

  1. " Who is to blame? The directors who tell these young girls their not thin enough or their boobs aren't big enough? The editors who by using photo-shop and other masking tools making normal women look without a fault."

    And what it has to do with butt implants? Blame all the gangsta rappers.
