Spring is finally here, the skies blue and the sun shining and if you're anything like me you'll be dusting off the gym gear and rearing up the diet!
Sadly for me I really do fluctuate with my weight, and my body can rapidly change if I'm not behaving. Over the winter months I have piled on the pounds so I'm on a detox/diet and working out like I've never done before.
I started the Cambridge 7 day detox plan where all you have is herbal tea, water and 3 diet shakes a day. Drastic I know but it works. I wouldn't do such a diet for longer than a week but you aim to lose around 6-8 pounds in the week and flush your body toxins!
Alot of people think these things are quick fixes and if you don't stick to a low calorie diet there on after they are! However dears, have no fear! After this week I'll be on a low calorie NO carb diet. No carbs for a whole month, no fizzy drinks, no snacks how fun! Alot of people say to me you can lose weight without cutting out everything you like. Me personally I can't I love my snacks and fizzy drinks and I don't understand the word moderation.
In terms of exercise I'm Jogging three times a week whilst taking spinning classes with my cousin and sister and doing body pump! I love working out with my friends and family. It's so funny and so motivating .
So are any of you exercising or getting fit for summer? If so comment in the bottom of this post! But these are some of the celebrities who are motivating me....

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